Jumat, 07 April 2017

HORTATORY EXPOSITION "The Importance Of Discipline"

The Importance Of Discipline
Discipline is systematic instruction intended to train a person, sometimes literally called a disciple, in a craft, trade or other activity, or to follow a particular code of conduct or "order". Often, the phrase "to discipline" carries a negative connotation. This is because enforcement of order–that is, ensuring instructions are carried out–is often regulated through punishment. Discipline is a course of actions leading to certain goal or ideal. A disciplined person is one that has established a goal and is willing to achieve that goal at the expense of his or her individuality. Discipline is the assertion of willpower over more base desires, and is usually understood to be synonymous with self control. Self-discipline is to some extent a substitute for motivation, when one uses reason to determine the best course of action that opposes one's desires. Virtuous behavior is when one's motivations are aligned with one's reasoned aims: to do what one knows is best and to do it gladly. Content behavior, on the other hand, is when one does what one knows is best, but must do it by opposing one's motivations. Moving from content to virtuous behavior requires training and some self-discipline. http://dicipline/wiki
            Discipiline has many benefits for our life. Discipline can datermine good future of us. Discipline not only has adventage for our self, but other people can feel the result from our discipline. Discipline must be there in our self since we early to train the good attitide for our self. Discipline can bring us to positive things. We can’t live with well without discipline, because discipline is very importance for our life in this period or the future period. Be discipline people can useful for anyone and benefical for anything. The discipline habit can put in order of our life, that in order to our life be not mussy or disciplinarry. Discipline applicable in all sector while there in our life. Like discipline within religion, society, educaion for students and other. Discipline also have to applicable for arrange our think to be positive thinking. From that discipline can bringing us to the success, achieve our goal and our aim and can make us be happiness. But, discipline not only grow up from our self or build cause our training. The discipline degree also influence by social surroundings. Hope and dream also can be motivation of build discipline.
            Everyone must be wanna success people. Impossible if there one won’t be success. But, not everyone can be success. That because our self and our attitude. In this modern period, discilpine is very needed for every people. Discipline is good attitude while drawing who are the people in the future. People who has the high discipline very in the good graces by anyone. With discipline we can easy to echieve our dream and goal. Now, we don’t need to be a smart people, but we need to be a discipline people. Because now many people looking for discipline people, not just smart people. Often we met people with high scholary but can’t do more with their scholary, because discipline less. In the opposite many people just has usually scholary precisely can echieve the success because they are very discipline in their live. In fact, many people difficult to looking for job and be unemployment because they have no discipline attitude. To looking for job, not only needed high education. Very without result if we has high education but we have no discipline. That just can’t bring us to be success. Discipline very needed to do working. All jobs can be finished with discipline amd good time management. There is no job don’t need discipline. With discipline, we indispensable by everyone. That can bring us to be success because we has adventage for many people. Our merit and our thinks very adventage for our lfe and other people”s life. So, discipline determine of our success.
            We not only just need self discipline. But, we need discipline of our think. Because the think like wild horse. If that think can not be drive, that can bit into anything. On the book “Aladdin Factor” creation of Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, they mention that everyday human has 60.000 idea or thinks. But the good news, the human think just can thinking one thing one a certain moment. So, the human think can not thingking the happiness thing all at once thinking the sadness thing. Cause that, we must discipline our think in order that we always thinking positive things. And we can thinking clear think, not bad think. Imagine that if we can arrange 60.000 thinks talked about, we canbe crazy or stress because we have no doscipline think. We can difficult to thinking kind things if we not arrange our thinking. Not easy to have good discipline think. Like the books in the library, if the books very mussy that can make not good to has seen. So, if our thinks not to be arrange with well, other people will considering tah we are not normaly or not on should have been. We must be know arranging our think for kick our everyday activity. The think also have to renising in order to our think not be wild or primitive. So, discipiline will setting our think, if we just has low discipline for our think, we can’t control the think. However, we need discipline for our think. http://edukasi.kompasiana.com/2011/12/12/pentingnya-disiplin-diri-418063.html
            Discipline is typicaly integral to the success of the college student. Some freshman enter school with well developed self discipline that was nuturned in the home, through school or in job. Attending and actively participating in classes are keys to college success. This requires the discipline to get up in the morning, to make education a priority and to give maximum effort during thr calssroom experience. Discipline students come to class prepared and ready to participate in class. Some students attend classes, but lack the discipline to read their textbooks and study. Typically, colleges advise students to plan to spend two to three hours of time outside class on reading, homework and other class commitments. Discipine in these areas usually leadsto more complete homework and project, better test preparation and a better overall learning experience in combination with classroom engagement. Discipline students also make use of available resources as necessary. Having discipline helps students seek help when needed andmake the time use it. Proactive srategies with discipine are a major part of the battle for life balance and academc success. Students also need self discipline to avoid some of the allures of college that inhibit academic success. From the bussy activities of students, student must have self discipine, in order to setting the school activity and other activity. Students must can make balance between that activities. Students must can doing the school activity in order to have good achievement of academic and can doing other school activity in order be glued in the school activity. In order can have good social with other people, and can feel other positive and enjoy activity. If the students, have no self discipline, must be they will be stress because they just thinking about school activity. So, self disciline very important for students.
            Between noble learned while very pleassure on Islam are discipiline. Discipline is one of the doors to get success. Expert on education sector will not have significan meanings without with disipline attitude. Discipline very pleassure on the world, and more on the beyond. Not astonisment if the God (Allah) call the shots man of faith to accustom self discipline. That there on Al-Qur’an surah Al-Jumuah verse 9-10. “Alas man of faith, if you command to carry out shalat Jum’at, then doing to remember Allah soon and leaving the transaction. While such that more better for you if you know. If already fulfill shalat, then spread around you in the earth’s surface, and look for reward of Allah, and remember Allah much in order that you lucky.” (QS Al-Jumuah: 9-10). Accordinf of that verse, the lucky will we get with discipline fulfill religius service when time was arrive and back to work when already fulfill religius service. Not only trade while must leaving when already arrive the time to shalat. But, not means man of faith just must trough doing religius service. That verse also command in order man of faith back to working. So, discipline must doing with balance between beyond thing and world thing. Discipline between religius service and job while will take man of faith to the success. We can also look discipline learned on command of shalat jama’ah. Shalat jama’ah distinct needed discipline. Because, doing shalat jama’ah in a together manner in mosque not long time after adzan and iqamah. If we still doing work,must be we will left behind. Not yet more i’tikaf tradision or silent sit when waiting for starting shalat jama’ah. And more dzikir tradision after shalat jama’ah done. Without discipline of good time, impossible we can do all of that. Usually discipline on all of things with balance wiil be our life more beautiful, sober and full with blessing. So, according of that not only Islam, all religion suggest us to be discipline people. http://www.republika.co.id/berita/dunia-islam/hikmah/13/09/04/mskuuv-pentingnya-disiplin
            Not only in the religion sector, we must discipline in the society. Discipline means abiding by, or adhering to, certain rules or norms of social life. Discipline is what a person imposes on himself taking it as his duty to God, to society, or to some other institution. It remands a strict control over an individual's rights and privilege, which if allowed swelling uncurbed and unregulated may result in disorder and anarchy in social and political life of a country. Discip­line is vital to a successful life. Without discipline army is reduced to a disordered mob, democracy degenerates into monocracy and social life becomes chaotic and anarchical. Nature provides the best example of discipline in life. In nature all the planets move in their orbit; the seasons change in accordance with a set order, day and night follow each other at regular intervals, Man must take lessons from Nature. Our life should be punctuated with discipline. http://www. Maxmithgroup.com/importance-discipline-life
            Every human ver needed what that call happiness. Without happiness, the human can not living with well. Happiness be principal requirement of humans. From that we must get the happiness. Discipline also can bring us to he happiness. Because with discipline we can get anything we want. We can echieve our aim or our goals. Discipline can make our life be enjoy and more arrange, not chaotic. And we will feel calm do anything because we already know the tome to do it. Not hurry to do anything, that make our feeling be good and stay cool. With that, we can be happy. Because, there is no one not happy if they can get their dream or get what they want. Other that, because discipline, we must be can provide part of the time of us for family, just little kidding with family that can make us be happy. Provide time fo friends, playing with friends can make us enjoy and not be stress, so, discipline can make us be happiness.
            To build the discipline is not easy. We need some motivation for build discipline. Just to get motivasion that easy. We just need dream and hope. To echieve our dream, like we talking before, we need discipline. So, dream can make us discipline. Because sure, if our dreams not we get it, we will dissapointed and sadly. To far from that bad thing, we must get our dreams. To get our dreams we must discipline. That can be motivation and spirit to be self discipline. From that, dreams and hope can be our motivation to buid discipline.
            In addition of hope and dreams, social surroundings also affected discipline degree. If we there in the good enviromment we can build discipline with well.in opposite, if we there in bad enviromment, we will difficult to be discipline. Within reason characteristic of humen always following other people in surroundings. In example childern always imitate childern’s perrents habit. That inclination bringing on people will susceptible with their surroundings. Advisable, we looking for good enviromment for living. Because that can make us easy to build discipline, because we won’t defeated with other people in surroundings. Especcially, if the people in our surroundings had high success, we must be jealous with them. That can growing up the spirit to be discipline.
            From that things on top, we can take tha discipine very important in our life. Many adventage and benefits while we can get from discipline. Just from the religion command us to be discipline. To commune with society we also need self discipline. As good human, we needed to build discipline attitude. Becouse every human can be discipline. Anyone without except. We must have self disciplin in order our life inthe future be happy and cheerly. We must increase self discipline of us. Easy to do it, we just to decerease of lazy. We must thinking to be discipline in every time. Investing discipline from early or fro now will make well more. Remember to be discipine, discipline, and discipline. Because the self discipline will bringing anything. Believe, allways discipline, always get the lucky.

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